Aumenta Solutions together with Isotonia have completed the winning project of the Grants for open and disruptive innovation projects in the 2023 edition.
The project enables, for the first time, the capture, transmission, and visualization of three-dimensional holograms on a device based on Light Field technology (Looking Glass).
The holograms can be viewed directly without the need for additional devices (Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality glasses).
With the support of Acció.
Hemos presentado, de la mano de Mobile World Capital Barcelona, el Zoo de Barcelona, el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, Vodafone y Fundació “La Caixa”, ¡nuestro proyecto Zoohhh!.
Se trata de un desarrollo de realidad aumentada que permite a los niños ingresados en un hospital jugar interactuando virtualmente con animales y de este modo contribuir a reducir el impacto de la hospitalización.
Hemos aplicado tecnología volumétrica y estereoscópica 3D que posibilita interactuar con los hologramas de diferentes animales gracias a un sistema de sensor Leap Motion que permite que reaccionen a los movimientos de la mano del usuario.
ZOOHHH! consiste en una cabina que simula un mirador de naturaleza, pero equipado con una pantalla holográfica de 32 pulgadas Looking Glass de 8K a través de la que se puede vivir una experiencia interactiva de alta calidad, sin necesidad de gafas.
Es un desarrollo íntegramente realizado por Aumenta Solutions.
During this edition of MWC2021 we present Augmented Reality applications with real-time hologram display via 5G networks.
Our technological partner 4DViews, a world-class pioneer in the creation of volumetric content, has actively participated in this milestone.
A consortium of eight companies (Cellnex Telecom, MásMóvil, Lenovo, Aumenta Solutions, Parlem, Atos, Nae and Nearby) will deploy a 5G pilot project in the Barcelona metropolitan area that will begin in September and run until December 2022. The project, included in the public call of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, will develop seven use cases with innovative solutions based on high-speed mobile in areas such as education, industry, trade, tourism or transport.
The MWC, a benchmark congress held in Barcelona and which will host more than 60,000 visitors from 150 countries around the world, will take place between February 27 and March 2. increases Soluciones will participate in the MWC presenting its new products in reality increased that are a result of the implementation of its strategic plan of business and the significant investment in R+D+i made during the last years.